2月は節分、バレンタインとイベント続きですね。 レッスンでも季節の行事に絡めた内容にしています。 節分が近づくと…いつもみんなで 『Go Away, Big Green Monster!』の絵本を読みます。
Tanabata literally translates (直訳) as “The evening of the seventh”, but is often called the Star Festival (星祭り) in English. It is based on the Chinese Qixi Festival and celebrates the meeting of 2 divine (神聖な) lovers, Orihime and Hikoboshi
Explaining Your Culture
At the end of my last post I mentioned some phrases that you can use to introduce Japanese things when you don’t know the right word or can’t find a perfect translation in English. I always tell my students that