小学生クラスはお化けのクラフトをしました♪ みんな発想が豊かで感動しました!子供らしいイラストに心洗われます!素晴らしい✨
Happy Halloween!!
Spring Flowers in the UK
A brief introduction to some British spring flowers and flowering trees.
Valentine’s Day in the UK
A brief introduction to Valentine’s Day traditions in the UK.
Happy Christmas
A introduction to some UK Christmas traditions.
Advent Calendars
In the UK there are special calendars called Advent calendars that are used to count down the days to Christmas (クリスマスまでの期間に日数を数えるためのカレンダー). Advent = 待降節の期間 – キリストの降誕を待ち望む期間 Traditionally the Advent season begins on the 4th Sunday before Christmas day (クリスマスの四つ前の日曜日) and
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween from Hankins English! Modern Halloween has its roots in the Gaelic (ゲール人の) festival of Samhein from Ireland and Scotland. It is festival that marks the end of the harvest season (収穫期) and the beginning of winter. Spirits (霊魂)
Summer in the UK
In the UK the school year ends in July and so the longest holiday of the year is in the summer time – usually about 6 weeks. Because of this many families go on holiday at this time. In the
Mother’s Day/Mothering Sunday
Mother’s Day (母の日) in Japan is celebrated on the same day as in America (the second Sunday in May – 5月の第2日曜日). It was started over 100 years ago as a national holiday to honour mothers (母を祝う). In the UK it